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About Us


The Warrior Run Elementary School is a kindergarten through sixth grade school community.  In 2023, we opened our new building.  Each grade level has five teachers with the exception of our third grade team having six. We have 65 professional staff and 19 paraprofessionals. 


Whenever students are absent from school, families should call the school at 570-649-5135 as soon as possible, but no later than 8:30 AM with the following information: student’s name, grade, reason for absence.  Students are not to report themselves absent nor should friends, neighbors, siblings, etc. make such calls.  If a parent has not called the school by 8:30 AM, the school district's automated power announcement system will be calling parents at home and/or work to verify the absence.

When students return to school, they must present written excuses from home.  This must be presented on the DAY OF RETURN.  The reason for the absence must be clearly stated with a parental signature.  Even though a call is made, an excuse is required.  Failure to present an excuse within three school days of return to school will result in the absences being permanently recorded as unexcused or illegal.



The Elementary Program offers a continuum of educational services to meet the needs of a wide diversity of learners. We realize that each child learns differently, and thus requires a variety of curricular, instructional, and assessment strategies. From enrichment programming to special education support, we provide for our differences as learners.

Additionally, the elementary school provide related arts classes through a 6-day cycle with the following classes being offered; art, music, physical education, library, and STEM.  


There is an active, vibrant parent-teacher organization at the Warrior Run Elementary School, called the Parent Teacher Association.  The PTA meets on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 P.M. in the Warrior Run Elementary School cafeteria.  The organization promotes healthy relationships between parents and the school, and provides richly for the students, through Family Fun Nights, School Fairs, yearly field trips, and school assemblies.  All parents are welcome to attend.